What States Require Auto Insurance?

If you own or drive a car, it’s important to know about your state’s auto insurance rules. You could lose your license and face large fines or other penalties if you don’t obey these laws. It’s also possible that you’re still required to have auto coverage even if your state hasn’t mandated it. No matter where you are in the United States,  York Jersey Underwriters, Inc. is here to help. 

States That Require Insurance

Nearly all U.S. states enforce laws demanding car insurance, including major states like California, Texas, and New York. The Garden State also requires it, so adequate coverage is a must for motorists here in Tinton Falls, NJ. The specific types and amounts of insurance differ depending on where you live. You’ll probably need certain minimum amounts of liability coverage for both damage and injuries.

States That Don’t Require It

It’s easier to list the states where vehicle insurance isn’t required by law: Virginia and New Hampshire. However, a yearly uninsured vehicle fee applies to Virginia drivers without coverage. New Hampshire expects uninsured motorists to provide proof of adequate financial resources. Drivers in both states remain financially responsible for any harm they cause.

Explore Your Options

There are other reasons why you might need to insure your car. An employer may require insurance if you use the vehicle for work-related purposes. Lenders often expect borrowers to remain insured until their car loans have been paid off. In New Hampshire, motorists who have committed certain crimes are required to have insurance.

Our insurance experts at York Jersey Underwriters, Inc. serve drivers all over the United States. Reach out to us today and we’ll help you explore your options.