How to Document Damage for a Toy Insurance Claim

When filing a toy insurance claim, thorough documentation is crucial for a seamless process and favorable settlement. This is true whether you reside in Tinton Falls, NJ, or elsewhere in the country.

Employing Visual Documentation

Begin by capturing comprehensive visual evidence of the toy’s damage. Make sure to take high-quality photos from various perspectives, focusing on specific damage points like scratches, dents, or broken components. Video evidence can also provide clear insights into the toy’s condition before and after the incident, thus enhancing your claim.

Detailed Written Narratives

Complement your visual evidence with detailed written accounts. Describe the situation that led to the damage, including the timing and the event’s specifics. A thorough context and chronological account can boost your claim’s credibility and help the insurance adjuster comprehend the situation.

Preserving Purchase Receipts and Valuation

Keep original purchase receipts and any available documentation that delineates the toy’s value, such as appraisals or market valuations. These documents demonstrate the toy’s initial value and are pivotal in determining reimbursement or replacement value. Make sure these documents are easily available when filing your claim.

Acquiring Professional Estimates

If the toy requires repair or restoration, seek estimates from reputable toy repair specialists or appraisers. These professional assessments corroborate the extent of damage and its associated costs, facilitating an accurate evaluation. Discuss these estimates with your insurer to ensure coverage compliance and align expectations.

Maintaining Clear and Prompt Communication

Maintain transparent communication with your insurance company throughout the claim process. Ensure prompt submission of all documentation and respond promptly to any inquiries or requests.

Let York Jersey Underwriters Inc. Assist You

York Jersey Underwriters Inc. is here to guide you and explain how toy insurance can provide long-term savings. Our team caters to the Tinton Falls, NJ region and all 50 states. Contact us today.

How to File a Claim with Commercial Insurance

Like any sensible business owner, you have commercial insurance. Now, you find yourself in a situation where you need it. Something got damaged, or perhaps someone got injured on your business premises. It’s time to file a claim. It is a straightforward process if you follow these six uncomplicated steps. 

  • Gather all the evidence and file a police report if necessary. Take photographs. Note down the names and contact details of everyone involved, including witnesses. Proceed to file a report with the police. 
  • Contact your insurance agent and report your claim. You would require all the names and contact details, including your own. Keep your policy information ready. You should be prepared to describe the type of incident for which you file a claim. Additionally, it would be best to inform them when and where it happened. Give a detailed description of the damage and provide photographs. 
  • Cooperate with the insurance adjuster to assess the damage. An adjuster will be assigned to your case within a day or two. They will assess the damage, take photographs, and ask questions. Make sure to cooperate fully with them. 
  • Obtain all the required estimates for repairs and replacements. For accuracy, it is recommended that you get at least two quotes on the repair costs. 
  • Proceed with the work. Ensure to obtain an invoice after completion. 
  • Finalize the claim with your insurance. This invoice will be helpful if your insurance company is not billed directly. Additionally, the invoice could be beneficial if the incident is taken to court. 

York Jersey Underwriters Inc. – Serving Tinton Falls, NJ

If you are in the Tinton Falls, NJ, area and in need of commercial insurance, please do not hesitate to contact York Jersey Underwriters Inc. Our skilled and helpful agents will go the extra mile to assist you in finding the policy that best matches your requirements. 

Automotive Insurance Protection for Towing Equipment

If you are using your vehicle to tow a boat, camper, or recreational equipment, seek insurance coverage to protect your equipment. Before you use your vehicle for towing purposes, update your existing automotive insurance policy.


Adding coverage to your existing insurance policy can alleviate costs associated with repairing or fixing your towing equipment. While you are actively towing something, you endure more of a risk than you usually do.

You are not only responsible for driving your primary vehicle. You are also responsible for safely towing whatever is behind your vehicle. For this reason, it is wise to seek adequate protection for the towing equipment you will be using.

If your towing equipment is damaged or stolen, you will be eligible to file a claim. If your claim is approved, you will be able to have your towing equipment repaired or replaced.


Keep concise records of all the towing equipment that you will be using. A trailer, tow bar, or another piece of equipment that was a big investment should be added to your existing insurance policy.

Determine how often you will use the towing equipment. If you use it consistently, plan on keeping all the towing essentials insured throughout the year.

If you are using the towing equipment temporarily, you will only need to carry temporary additional insurance coverage.

Contact York Jersey Underwriters Inc.

Contact one of our agents at York Jersey Underwriters Inc. An agent who provides services to those in the Tinton Falls, NJ region will modify your automotive insurance policy.

Home Insurance and Infestations: FAQ’s

One of the many benefits of having your Tinton Falls, NJ, area home insured through York Jersey Underwriters Inc. is access to our team of professionals when you have a question about your homeowners’ insurance. We receive questions about a wide range of topics, including infestations.

Here are some frequently asked questions we get about infestations and homeowners insurance.

What is an Infestation?

An infestation is an unwelcome invasion of pests, rodents, or insects that can damage your home through swarming, nesting, and other means.

What Pests May Be Included?

Infestations can occur from mice, rats, squirrels, bees, wasps, termites, roaches, and more. While some pests can be a nuisance, some, such as termites and carpenter ants, can cause extensive damage.

Is Damage From an Infestation Covered Under Homeowners Insurance?

Generally speaking, infestation damage is not covered by home insurance.

Why Aren’t Infestations Generally Covered?

Home insurance is intended to protect against unexpected damage like fires and theft. Infestations are considered preventable and are included as part of home maintenance, which is considered the responsibility of the homeowner.

Maintaining Your Home and Property

Home maintenance is a critical part of the provisions of your homeowners’ insurance policy. This includes keeping your home termite- and pest-free. While your home insurance may not cover damage from pest infestations, many pest control companies include protection as a part of their warranty.

Get The Answers to Your Questions Today

If you have questions about your home insurance, would like an insurance review, or want a price quote, contact us at York Jersey Underwriters Inc. We serve the Tinton Falls, NJ, area with personal, professional service to help protect you.

Toy Retailer Insurance

Do you sell toys in Tinton Falls, NJ, or anywhere along the Jersey Shore? York Jersey Underwriters Inc. has two tips for toy retailers that get overlooked by agencies that don’t have a lot of experience writing policies for toy stores.

Toy Retailers Need More Than General Liability Insurance

Every retailer needs general liability insurance. This insurance protects your assets when a customer slips on your floor, a toy falls (or gets pulled) off the shelf and hits someone, or a shopping cart hits a car in your parking lot.

Toy retailers have additional exposure to product liability. Whether you are in Tinton Falls, NJ, or anywhere along the Jersey Shore, you can get sued when customers or their children injure themselves with a toy they buy at your store.

  • You can get sued when a customer injures a third party with a toy bought at your store.
  • You can even get sued for emotional damages when a toy you sell does not work.

In New Jersey, the "strict liability rule" means that toy retailers can be found liable even when an injury was not due to negligence or harmful intent. Litigants in New Jersey only need to prove that a toy caused an injury.

There is a law firm in Bergen County, New Jersey that only represents families that have bought defective toys. If you sell toys in New Jersey, you need to see York Jersey Underwriters Inc. to ensure adequate liability protection.

In New Jersey, Good Recordkeeping Is Essential for Toy Retailers

In New Jersey, the statute of limitations runs two years after an injury occurs or two years after the injury is discovered. That isn’t two years after you sell a toy. That’s two years after a problem arose with it.

Litigants may have false memories of where they bought a toy. The ability to show that they didn’t buy a problem toy from you may save you thousands of dollars in legal fees and months of aggravation.

No matter where you live in the USA, York Jersey Underwriters Inc. can serve all your commercial insurance needs. Call us to review your coverage and ensure you have the insurance you need.

What States Require Auto Insurance?

If you own or drive a car, it’s important to know about your state’s auto insurance rules. You could lose your license and face large fines or other penalties if you don’t obey these laws. It’s also possible that you’re still required to have auto coverage even if your state hasn’t mandated it. No matter where you are in the United States,  York Jersey Underwriters, Inc. is here to help. 

States That Require Insurance

Nearly all U.S. states enforce laws demanding car insurance, including major states like California, Texas, and New York. The Garden State also requires it, so adequate coverage is a must for motorists here in Tinton Falls, NJ. The specific types and amounts of insurance differ depending on where you live. You’ll probably need certain minimum amounts of liability coverage for both damage and injuries.

States That Don’t Require It

It’s easier to list the states where vehicle insurance isn’t required by law: Virginia and New Hampshire. However, a yearly uninsured vehicle fee applies to Virginia drivers without coverage. New Hampshire expects uninsured motorists to provide proof of adequate financial resources. Drivers in both states remain financially responsible for any harm they cause.

Explore Your Options

There are other reasons why you might need to insure your car. An employer may require insurance if you use the vehicle for work-related purposes. Lenders often expect borrowers to remain insured until their car loans have been paid off. In New Hampshire, motorists who have committed certain crimes are required to have insurance.

Our insurance experts at York Jersey Underwriters, Inc. serve drivers all over the United States. Reach out to us today and we’ll help you explore your options. 

Is Your Business Protected From Car Crashes?

Running a business is a tough experience and requires strong commercial insurance. For instance, what happens if a car crashes into your building or otherwise impacts you? You’ll need to work with our team at York Jersey Underwriters Inc. to get the support that makes sense for you.

Your Policy Will Protect You From Crashes 

Your commercial insurance will cover multiple things that impact your operation, including car crashes to your vehicles or any that affect your business. For example, if a driver loses control and smashes into your storefront, your commercial policy should kick in to protect you. 

As a result, it’s important to keep your coverage up to date and to talk with your provider regularly to learn more about how yours works. Doing so can cut back on various expenses, ensure that you fully understand your needs, and even provide the help you need to choose the best policy options.

What It Pays to Manage 

Your policy should cover any damage caused by a car crash. For example, it should pay to replace broken storefronts and even lost inventory. Furthermore, it should pay business interruption support while you get repairs, even cover lost wages, and keep your employees paid.

Note that your protection level may vary depending on your policies. Therefore, it’s a smart idea to talk with your provider before anything happens and to set up protection. We particularly suggest this step if you operate in an area where a car crash is likely, such as in a busy downtown area.

Give Us a Call Today

To protect your businesses, please contact us at York Jersey Underwriters Inc. today. We’ll talk with you and find a policy that works, including those that can keep you safe from unexpected and dangerous car crash risks.

Four priorities you should focus on when you choose a home insurance policy

Homeowners in Tinton Falls, NJ need to understand the importance of choosing the right home insurance solutions. At York Jersey Underwriters Inc., we can help you make the right choices when you buy insurance coverage for your home.

Here are four priorities you should focus on when you choose a home insurance policy:

Getting adequate personal property coverage for high-value possessions

If you’re a homeowner with particularly expensive items in your home like high-value electronics and jewelry, you might want to invest in added personal property coverage.

You should have enough personal property coverage to cover the full value of their possessions in your home. 

Protecting your assets with your liability coverage

You could be sued for damages if a guest becomes injured in your home. This is where liability coverage becomes important. For complete coverage, it’s a good idea to have enough liability coverage to adequately protect your assets in the event of a lawsuit. 

Meeting the requirements of your mortgage lender

Mortgage lenders require borrowers to carry home insurance. You need to make sure that the home insurance policy you purchase includes the amount and types of coverage that your mortgage lender requires.

Choosing the right home insurance provider

Don’t assume that it doesn’t matter which home insurance provider you purchase a policy from. You need to find a dependable home insurance provider that offers excellent customer service to avoid headaches in the future if you eventually have to file a claim on your policy. 

Reach Out To Us

Consumers in Tinton Falls, NJ who are on the market for home insurance can get in touch with us today at York Jersey Underwriters Inc. for a home insurance policy quote. 

What should I have included in my toy insurance plan?

It is always a good idea for those who are in the Tinton Falls, NJ area to have proper insurance. When you are looking to improve your personal insurance situation, it would be a great idea to consider all of your assets. One asset that needs to have insurance is a recreational toy. There are various types of coverage that need to be included in this type of insurance plan. 

Liability Coverage

It is very important to have a toy insurance plan because you will want to have liability coverage. While recreational toys can be very fun to use, they do come with some risks including the risk that you cause an accident. If this happens, you will need to cover the damages caused by the accident. With liability coverage, you will have financial support in these situations. 

Cover Assets

You should also get a toy insurance plan so you can cover your assets. If you do choose to purchase a recreational toy, you will know how much it can cost to buy and care for. To ensure that your investment is covered, you will want to get toy insurance. A full plan with comprehensive coverage will protect your asset and investment in many situations including if it is damaged in an accident or you incur a loss due to theft. 

We Are Here To Help

Having a proper insurance plan for any recreational toy in Tinton Falls, NJ or other areas is very important. When you are looking for this coverage, you need to call our team with York Jersey Underwriters Inc. At York Jersey Underwriters Inc., we know the value of this coverage and can ensure you select the right plan for your situation. This will help ensure you remain appropriately supported and covered. 

Four problems you could face if you don’t have commercial insurance

Commercial insurance can save business owners from a lot of potential problems. If you are a business owner in Tinton Falls, NJ, we can come to your assistance regarding your commercial insurance needs at York Jersey Underwriters Inc.

The following are four problems you could face if you don’t have commercial insurance: 

Losses due to theft or vandalism

Commercial insurance provides protection against losses caused by theft or vandalism. This coverage ensures that businesses can recover financially from stolen property or property damage caused by acts of vandalism, helping to mitigate the financial impact of such events.

Costly lawsuits due to liability issues

Lawsuits can lead to huge expenses for businesses. That’s why it’s so important to carry commercial insurance that protects against lawsuits resulting from liability issues.

With commercial liability coverage, businesses can get legal costs covered if they face a lawsuit. 

Difficulties securing business loans

Acquiring capital is important for growing a company. As companies grow, they typically look for investors and business financing.

Carrying commercial insurance can make a company more attractive both to business loan lenders and investors. Your company’s commercial insurance policy can therefore make it easier to acquire financing. 

Difficulties attracting customers

Carrying commercial insurance can also make companies more attractive to prospective customers. Customers will view your company as more professional and reliable if your company carries commercial insurance. 

Consult With Us

Call us today at York Jersey Underwriters Inc. to get a quote on a commercial insurance policy. Invest in the future of your company in Tinton Falls, NJ with a commercial insurance policy that protects you against the financial risks that you face as a business owner.